When Should I Stay At My Rental?
Is there a good time or a bad time to stay at my home? That question really depends on what your financial and leisure goals are. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind your guest experiences. Most guests prefer the “hotel experience” in a home, they do not want to stay in someone else’s home. Personal items such as family pictures or clothes in the closets can be a big turn off to guests, so keep that in mind if you frequent your home often.
If you are strictly using your vacation rental as a source of income, the recipe is fairly simple. Avoid staying at your home during peak months if there is any seasonality to your area, and be vary wary of local events or holidays that will attract visitors. But money isn’t everything…. If you have a beach front property, a mountain cabin, or a lake house, sometimes you’re going to want to enjoy the fruits of your home. Who doesn’t want to sit at the beach on the 4th of July, ski on Presidents Day Weekend, or spend Labor Day on the lake?